Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Our worth...to God.

I was camping with some dudes a few weeks ago when our tent conversation turned to spiritual things and this thought.

Without the life of Christ we have no worth to God.
That means lost folks have no worth to God and believers have no worth apart from the life of Christ within them.
Hold on here, what about God designing each one of us, creating us specifically, personally, individually; how can God create something that is 'wonderfully made' and assign no worth...and...for that matter...How can God love everyone in the world and not assign worth to them?
What if God's agape love doesn't require the object to have worth? What if God's agape love isn't initiated by the worth of the object but rather by His love itself? What if unconditional love is just that, unconditional; whether you have worth or not makes no difference, God loves you and everyone else irregardless.
What if our worth is tied to fulfilling our purpose? We were created to enjoy and experience relationship with God. Apart from the life of Christ that is impossible; we are worthless with respect to the purpose for which we were created.
  • Say you're a musician who plays a guitar. Money is no object in making your own prized, original beautiful guitar and you get it all ready with the exception that it doesn't have strings. What's it worth to you?
  • Say you're a cyclist and you spend thousands putting together the lightest, stiffest, fastest bike just like Lance Armstrongs, but it doesn't have a chain. What's it worth to you?
  • Say you're an auto enthusiast and you buy the most exotic sports car in the world; a bugatti perhaps, but it has no gas in it? What's it worth to you?
  • Say you've got the most advanced, highest quality audio visual home theater and sound system in the world, but no electricity. What's it worth to you?

.All have potential, but without the 'life' that enables their fulfillment of the purpose for which each was created, they are worthless...beautiful, hand crafted, intricate, loved by their creator...but worthless.


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