Thursday, September 08, 2005

Rich or Poor?

my comments to another blogger who referenced John Scalzi's list about 'being poor' (click link bar for John's list).

Being poor is having all the materialistic things, confidences, capabilities and services John (click link) alludes to 'not having' but no meaning (to know Jesus), no purpose (to bear His fruit), no unconditional acceptance & could be Brad Pitt, Queen Elizabeth, Bill Gates or George W. Bush and still be poor...IMHO.

"Nickel & Dimed - great book" reminded me of the times we took the calculator to the grocery. We don't have to do that now but we also don't have to spend all that we make on ourselves either. That's what I think Jesus was talking about (Mark 10:25-Rich/Camel)'s difficult for someone who's got more than they need for daily survival to 'walk in the way of God, kingdom of God, spiritual world because they 'seemingly' don't need God.

In the same way it's difficult to walk in the kingdom of God if you're focused on what it means to be without sufficient monetary resources.

I don't think it's spiritually heathly to focus on our material existence poor or well to do.


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