Tuesday, September 06, 2005

maybe we've settled for less...

I was hanging with Jesus in one of our city parks when the workers began to mow and I came to realize; man makes machines to cut everything into uniformity. We look on newly mowed fields and landscaped parks with their man made lakes and fountains in awe of their supposed beauty and it seems worthy...until...well until we are moved to wonder by the surreal uniqueness of an untouched meadow with pristine lakes, streams and wild flowers in the foreground of a majestic mountain.

We don’t control nature; we use nature to control others; individuals, groups and generations.

maybe we settle for less than Jesus has given us.


At 11:54 AM, September 09, 2005 , Blogger Chelsie said...

hmmm...yeah, natural landscapes are more captivating than any bridge, zoo reserve, or freshly hewn box-woods :) cool perspective...


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