Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Out with the priest in with the book

Ask a christian about their relationship with Jesus and most start talking about their knowledge of God accumulated through bible studies, books and sermons. Ask someone about their relationship with their spouse, sweetheart, family member or friend and you get first hand stories of their doing life together.

What's the difference?

Should scripture, books & sermons be the basis for our relationship (interaction) with God? Doesn't the Spirit, Jesus, God speak to us directly, personally, outside of scripture morso than through scripture? Is the source - origination of our relationship a book or a person (i.e. Jesus)? Has the bible, through mass distribution via the printing press, become "the new mediator" (i.e. out with the priest in with the book)?

God spoke the world into existence, has He stopped speaking? Does He only speak through the medium of scripture? Is the medium of scripture His "primary" method of speaking?

What did Jesus mean when he said, "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life."? (John 5:39,40) If 'eternal life' is "knowing the one and only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent" (John 17:3), then Jesus seems to be pointing out that it is through Him, not scripture, that we have 'eternal life' (i.e. relationship with Him).

Yeah God's word is timeless...but isn't His presence priceless? Isn't Jesus the living word? Have we directed folks wrongly toward 'dead wood' when a 'living vine' awaits? Why aren't peoples daily accounts of their conversation with Jesus more readily accepted as nuggets of truth & inspiration than someone's interpretation of scripture?

Is our relationship with Jesus supposed to be so wrapped up in our knowledge of the bible?
  • sunday school
  • small group bible studies
  • sermons
  • scripture memorization
  • read the bible through
  • commentary on the bible
  • seminary
  • discipleship training
  • daily devotional reading

Or...the pre-sermon chant that is so popular today...

This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I can do what it says I can do. Today I will be taught the Word of God. I boldly confess my mind is alert, my heart is receptive. I will never be the same. I am about to receive the incorruptible, indestructible, ever-living seed of the Word of God. I will never be the same. Never, never, never. I will never be the same. In Jesus name.

shouldn't it be...

This is Jesus. I am what He says I am. I can do what He says I can do. Today He will teach me. I boldly depend on the Spirit to lead me into all truth. I will never be the same. I have received the life of Jesus, the living word. I will never be the same. Never, never, never. I will never be the same...because of Jesus.

What is our mantra to the world..."our book is better than your book"?

Shouldn't believers be known for their curious intimate personal relationship with Jesus (God) in the present?

your thoughts...


At 9:41 PM, July 15, 2005 , Blogger Anne said...

Hey Rick, you're touching something that's been bothering me but it was too ethereal to pin down. We study the bible in my small group, and I'll be doing another spiritual topic discussion Sunday night. When I read the bible on my own, sometimes I'm deeply moved, amazed and transformed. However, most of my true transformation comes from times I just spend time with God, and studying the bible with others feels so devoid of spirituality. Almost as though we could be reading "How to Be a Christian 101" and following a checklist. I started wondering if this was just my struggle. I'm not feeling so alone now. Though I wish I didn't feel so alone when I was with my small group...

At 8:59 PM, July 16, 2005 , Blogger Rick said...

How awesome would it be for someone to desire to have the friendship with the Creator that we seem to have, not because of our knowledge of a book, but our intimate knowledge and encounter with the Writer!!

Hey Danno,

It would be very awesome bro...very.

So...what intimate knowledge and encounters with Jesus do we have apart from scripture...specifically? What can we tell others about Jesus that has originated within our knowing Him through our personal encounters?

At 9:03 PM, July 16, 2005 , Blogger Rick said...

Hey Anne,

Thank you so much for helping me know "I am not alone" in this new (to me) understanding/pursuit.

I have had incredible revelations of freedom from conversations with other believers...but...I don't think my personal relationship with Jesus is 'best' pursued through others or scripture.

does that makes sense?


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