Wednesday, July 06, 2005

a common denominator

Discussing your most intimate beliefs with others requires a common denominator, a bench mark, a starting point on which all parties can agree. Start a conversation about God with an agnostic, well, your pretty much damned from the get go. Begin a dialogue about Jesus with a Mormon and you've got some splain'n to do Lucy ;) Talk about grace with a Jew and all you've got is an argument. We need a foundation...a beginning upon which ALL (every single solitary one) can whole heartedly agree.

The God shaped hole inside every individual is our need for unconditional acceptance and love; on this every single solitary individual who ever was, is and will be can agree. We "need" to be accepted and loved dispite ourselves. You could look Ben Laden, Jennifer Anniston, Brad Pitt, George W. Bush, Bill Gates, a homeless guy, a CEO, a factory worker, a single mom, a school teacher, state worker, pope, tire salesman and artist in the eye and know each one needs unconditional acceptance & love; it is our commonality, similarity and unifier.

So...start with that...cause unconditional acceptance & love can't be found in the created; only the creator offers such a thing.


At 9:00 PM, July 11, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


This might be a fun question for the ooze.


At 9:08 AM, July 14, 2005 , Blogger Rick said...

So paste and post there boyo...I vote Jae as the moderator :)

oh...I'll be sure and visit ;)


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