Monday, June 27, 2005

teddy bear, puppy, & you

Ever had a teddy bear, blanky, pillow, whatever? For some a teddy bear was their best buddy, friend, playmate and roomy..."you and the bear went everywhere". Without the bear there was a sense of uncompleteness, lost and lonely in a world of strangers. No one was going to take your teddy bear away...

Then along came puppy. Puppy was alive in your presence where teddy bear was only alive in your mind. Puppy would lick your face, nip your fingers and keep you warm cuddling during your afternoon nap. You could run with puppy, swim with puppy, play fetch, tag or just sit with puppy. You had a relationship with puppy and puppy had a relationship with you. He liked you...even loved you...followed you everywhere, kept you company when no one else was around.

Sometimes our life and/or spirituality is that way...we latch onto some inanimate religion, bible, church, program, ministry, meditation or act of prayer as if 'it' has/is life...when 'life' is only found in relationship with the puppy...Jesus. Sure your relationship with Jesus may/may not involve religion, bible, church, program, ministry and bible studies...but...those things are just 'things'.

You can have a relationship with Jesus without those things but you can't have a relationship with Jesus without Jesus...and once you experience 'puppy' the teddy becomes what you and puppy play with on occasions where a good stick, lake, ball or backyard isn't available.


At 9:59 PM, July 13, 2005 , Blogger Divorced Dad said...

This illustration of Teddy Bear vs Puppy has stuck with me these last weeks. There's safety and security with Teddy Bear. I can't always figure Puppy out or make Puppy do what I want him to do. Puppy is real and alive. Sometimes Puppy is like Lion - he can't be tamed or domesticated to my own liking.
Despite the risk, I wouldn't trade anything for relationship with Puppy and could never give up Puppy to go back to Teddy Bear.

At 9:25 AM, July 14, 2005 , Blogger Rick said...

very cool Jimster...

trading our 'feelings' or 'assumptions' of safety & security for what seems like a louis & clark journey into the uncharted wilderness...

when we're really trading death for life.

I wouldn't trade either...even if you offered lemon pepper seasoning ;)


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