Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Being consciously aware (as opposed to subconscious or completely ignorant) of God's unconditional acceptance (apart from which His love is almost meaningless) & love for me, His purpose (to know me and I Him) and His desire/meaning for my life (to bear His fruit...not strain at trying to produce fruit on my own)...and most importantly, depending on those realities (as opposed to just being consciously aware of them).

make sense?


At 11:41 PM, June 08, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I had a discussion just a few weeks ago with my brother. In talking about church he asked what is worship really. It seems to the worship has to do with our living in a right perspective to who God is and who we are. So worship can be any moment or experience that reveals, enhances, or furthers our understanding of the True relationship that we have been brought into by the blood of Christ.

Your post seems to grasp the right perspective. But the struggle is to remain there when the fire of this world consumes all that we have built. Then again it is this refining process that seems to best solidify a true perspective.


At 10:49 AM, June 13, 2005 , Blogger Rick said...

depending on them rather than "just" believing them...I'm with ya on that Jae.


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