Monday, April 18, 2005

the weekend

wow it was eventful, relaxing and definitely enjoyable...

It started out with that fateful call from the marina guy that our boat wouldn't start after being in storage all winter. Turns out that we'll need a new starter...but hey...better we found out on dry land than out in the middle of the lake with a boat full of folks :) We had to change plans with our friends the Palmer's but kickin' it on the back deck eating burned meat whilst enjoying a little convo certainly wasn't beyond our endurance ;)

Sunday morning we loaded up with our neighbor Mark and kayaked the stones river from Lebanon Rd. to Priest dam and back. Chelsie and Josh joined us in a was comedy...nothing like listening to brother/sister instructions/commentary :) Along the way we spotted some mountain goats!?!?! or maybe goats that liked standing on the rock cliffs. After the kayaking adventure we headed home for my famous breakfast burritos.

In the afternoon Josh and I visited the college fair at the convention center. He's gravitating toward University of Tennessee, Tennessee Tech or Belmont...and he's all ears, so if you know anything speak up.

After we got home Josh's Jr. banquet (prom) date, Allison Pulley and Chelsie dyed their hair...very dark...Allison morso than Chelsie a.k.a. "blackie".


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