Monday, April 18, 2005

My greatest need

To rest in God's unconditional acceptance. Too often I'm consumed with thoughts of myself because 'I think' or 'feel like' His unconditional acceptance looms just out of my reach. I think I must improve, do better, stop some behavior or attitude and help others 'before' He will/can accept me. This is such a distraction from enjoying Him, His presence and the all He's already given me.

Truth I'm pondering:

Christ 'is' my life (Col 3:4)

'In Him' we have right standing with God. (2 Cor. 5:21)

Apart from Him, we can do nothing. (John 15:5)

In Him we will do greater things than these. (John 14:12)

I desire to live in conscious awareness of the above realities. I believe the Kingdom of God is being consciously aware of those realities and depending on them with every breath.


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