Friday, May 27, 2005

faith vs belief

A high wire artist took his act to niagra falls. A great crowd assembled to witness His ability to walk across a wire stretched out over the very edge of the falls. He walked back and forth and then rode a bicycle back and forth.

After his trip back on the bicycle, he asked the crowd if they thought he could ride across with someone on the handlebars. The crowd responded in earnest that he could do so. He asked, who will be the first to go with me?

Not one person, who moments ago express an earnest belief in his abilities, would go.

I find myself responding to God's unconditional acceptance & love, purpose & meaning for me, Rick Harris, in the same way the crowd responded to the high wire artist...belief as opposed to faith.

My relationship with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, my reading of scripture and my conversation with others confirms my "belief" that God does unconditionally accept & love me and that He give me purpose (to know Him) and meaning (to bear fruit)...but...or rather BUT...I find myself more often than not...not depending on it...but rather seeking acceptance, love, meaning and purpose through other things (i.e. performance, talent, behavior, recognition of others, etc).

The Spirit is revealing specifics in my interaction with others, my thoughts and behavior which originate from my desire to acquire that which He has already given me. For example...


When I walk in a local coffee shop to meet a friend, my flesh immediately begins gathering information on those in the coffee shop and comparing it with myself...measuring my "status" with the others there. To ward off the uncomfortableness of walking into a crowed room, I begin talking somewhat loudly with the owner about whatever...whew...I think...I've comforted myself through establishing (and communicating to others there) that I know the owner and that he accepts me and is interested in a conversation with me. You see "I" have status now...whereas before I was just another customer.

I could walk in, consiously aware of God's acceptance, and not need the acceptance of others...and therefore not need to use my resources (time, energy, etc) to acquire that which I already have.

What could/would/should/might...God have used those resources for if I had not used them for myself?

God unconditionally accepts & loves us.
God's purpose for us is to know Him (John 17:3).
Our meaning in life is bearing fruit produced by God through our abiding (faith) in the above.
John 15:5


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