Monday, June 13, 2005


See yourself sitting under the shade of sheltering trees
With the Lord Jesus
Side by side
At ease with Him
Comforted by His presence.

There is no need for words.
He is here
And He is enough.

The aroma of His peace
Permeates every part of your being.
Problems and worries
Are gone.
They cannot exist
In His presence.

You sense His strength
His I-can-do-all-things power.
You sense His wisdom
Pure and simple wisdom.
But most of all
There is love.

Love that sees right through you
And loves anyway.
Love that sees beyond your faults
To see the seed of His perfection in you
Making you His beloved kin.

Love that sees the person God created you to be.
Love that brought Him from heaven
To find you and bring you Home.

But for now
This moment
He knows you need rest.
Rest from a hectic confused world.
And so you sit with Him

At ease
At home with Him
And at home with yourself.

Stay here at rest with Him
As long as you like.
He has given Himself to you
For all of forever.

-Joan Wilson


At 9:00 AM, June 14, 2005 , Blogger Jeffrey said...

Rest...oh how I long for it. Funny how in "ministry" I feel that rest is unproductive. Hmmm...that's not true.

At 11:28 AM, June 20, 2005 , Blogger Rick said...

Isn't that so true if we could only "get it" and then "rest" in it!

Kinda like an cripple who gets around by "sitting" in a motorized chair.


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