Tuesday, July 05, 2005

your thoughts

the Chinese church exploded when all their leaders.. indigenous and imported.. where killed or left the country. What is the implication for change for the church in North America?


At 7:28 PM, July 05, 2005 , Blogger Monk-in-Training said...

Isn't that the exact same thing that happened to the Ancient Church when the leadership fled Jerusalem? Killed or dispersed by the Roman onslaught? Hmmmm.

At 8:14 PM, July 07, 2005 , Blogger Rick said...

Monk...isn't that interesting...


one more and we'll have a three part harmony ;)

At 8:17 PM, July 07, 2005 , Blogger Rick said...


It wasn't the "building" it was their "church leadership" ;O

btw...your kids are too cool :)

At 11:55 AM, July 11, 2005 , Blogger Jeffrey said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 11:56 AM, July 11, 2005 , Blogger Jeffrey said...

*sorry, the delete was from me--it was originally riddled w/ typos (woops).

This very nuance has come up at our last two weekly conversations. Last night we even contemplated if the Church in the West ought to pray and long for intense persecution. Historically the Church has expanded under heavy persecution and has become complacent under cultural acceptance (thanks for nothing Constantine!). Let's keep talkin' bout this...

At 10:04 AM, July 29, 2005 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...

i get your drift about persecution but.

can we have faith that God's way is not always our way...and that maybe church growth is not the only measure of his success?


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