Tuesday, July 05, 2005

the everday of life

A few days ago a friend reminded me of an analogy George Bush Sr. used in an inagural address back in 91'; a thousand points of light. The president used it to inspire Americans toward "doing good works" and "being moral people".

It seemed in our conversation among friends, the Spirit was teaching us about the Kingdom of God. Jesus said "you will do greater things than these"...why?...because I (Jesus) will indwell each believer and thus be humanly manifested in more than one body through intimate personal relationships with people; a thousand points of light.

God has many mediums through which His glory (character) is made known to men. All the created order declares His glory, but He indwells only one medium; believers - you & me. The lost see, understand and are drawn to God through the created order. They interact with Him (Jesus) through us; individual believers, until the day they receive Jesus' Life themselves which enables an intimate personal relationship of their own.

God doesn't indwell organizations, meetings, scripture, buildings, prayer closets, homeless shelters or songs just as He doesn't indwell trees, birds & clouds. So much energy in 'christiandom' is used to call attention to the glory of God when nothing man puts together even comes close to what He's already done through the created order. Look at the sun & sky, the stars & moon and compare that with the greatest concert light show or fireworks event ever; the scale and magnificence of His creation is beyond comparison. Our role isn't to call attention to the glory of God, but to "be" the glory of God...to our neighbors, co-workers, friends, acquaintances, strangers and enemies.

Jesus indwells you. People interact with Jesus through their interaction with you.

"Being" the glory of God to folks in the everyday of life; A thousand points of light in the middle of the forest gives light to those nearby...but what of those wondering out in the darkness of your everyday travels & living?


At 12:22 AM, July 14, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not trying to nit pick, however Bush sr (41) made that speech in 1989. Clinton was elected in 1992.

At 9:15 AM, July 14, 2005 , Blogger Rick said...

pick, pick, pick...geez...can you see the forest through the tree larry ;)

j/k man...thanks for the correction.

Friday, January 20, 1989 is was the 200th anniversary of the presidency


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