Monday, July 18, 2005

Mediums of communication

What is exactly meant by 'that still small voice'?

What does the song writer mean when he wrote "He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own?

Just how does Jesus (God) communicate with you?

Ever 'heard' His audible voice?

He's communicated to me through the following:
  • the smoking of a cigar
  • looking through & at the side glass on the drivers side of my truck
  • seasonal attributes of a tree
  • the hillside around center hill lake
  • the sun's rays shining through the clouds
  • a friend eating peanuts at a bar
  • a thought offered by a close friend
  • books, including scripture
  • conversations
  • observing life
  • driving home on a rainy sunday evening

I know that's not an exhaustive list...and that makes me wonder....just how has God 'talked' with you?

I'm listening :)


At 9:54 AM, July 29, 2005 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...

when i am compelled to do something that is not what i would normally, comfortably do.
examples: hug a lady i don't know while she sobs at the mall; tell a visiting preacher that he's unreasonably strict with his kids; write a difficult letter; pray for someone I barely know.


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