Light at the end of the tunnel

Many thoughts ran through my mind tonight;
A 17 yr old niece-in-law who lost her life in a car accident this past weekend in California, her family and friends who, in no small way, will mourn her absence.
A online acquantance who is suffering through the apparent silence of God on issues that matter deeply to him.
A friend who is struggling with alchohol, joblessness, marriage and all the crap that goes along with such matters.
My seeming absence of intimate time with Jesus througout our very active family vacation.
Then...well...then it occured to me that no matter the present darkness, the sun will rise again. That, in reality, the sun didn't move at was my location on the earth that rotated away from it...and that Jesus, the eternal light, indwells me, accepts me, loves me and intently desires to know me.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow, a new day, in which I hope to experience all of the sun possible.
The last phrase could read "in which I hope to experience all of the Son possible" I am a sunset person too.
I have been considering
2 Corinthians 5:17. It reads as follows in the Amplified; "Therefor if any person is (ingrafted) in Christ, The Messiah, he is a New Creature altogether,) a New Creation; the old (previous moral and spiritual condition) has passed away. Behold the fresh and The New has come. What a Gift He has given. Love your Grace button - W
Thanks for reminding me of those thoughts Walt...and go ahead...push the big red button of grace all you want! :)
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