Wednesday, September 07, 2005

To know, perceive, recognize, become acquainted with & understand...'you'

John 17:3 3 And this is eternal life: [it means] to know (to perceive, recognize, become acquainted with, and understand) You, the only true and real God, and [likewise] to know Him, Jesus [as the] Christ (the Anointed One, the Messiah), Whom You have sent.

This November Heather and I celebrate our 20th year of marital bliss woohoo! If you asked me to describe her, I could fill a book with attributes and characteristics of Heather that I've come to know through our intimate personal relationship. I wouldn't reference a book about Heather, her children, parents or friends...I would describe her using my personal experiences with her.

In the same way I'm interested in others description of the character and attributes of Jesus using solely experiences from their/your intimate personal relationship with Him.

let the comments begin :)


At 11:38 AM, September 09, 2005 , Blogger Chelsie said...

Again, coolness. If a relationship with God is supposed to be just that, a personal relationship, then we must know God through our methods of knowing others. Knowledge about someone can be obtained through various indirect sources, but knowing comes by experience and it's super cool that we can have EXPERIENCES with, like, God.

Another example: i can't know mike miller through his writing, his current ambitions, what other kids say about him, or even by observing his behavior. I must have interaction with him over time to really know him...just something i was thinking about...

At 6:56 AM, September 12, 2005 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...

First, congrats. we also celebrate 20. on Nov. 2. wow!

Second, your site gives my computer fits. could be just mine, not asking you to change anything, just feedback.

Third, your question: "intimate, personal relationship with Jesus." Reminds me of those songs on Christian radio that make Jesus sound like a physical lover.

Maybe I'm the only one out there, but the words "intimate" and "personal" do not apply for me. Yes, there is the visualization when I need comfort of the Jesus/God the comforter and healer, which is very intimate and personal. But there is not (nor do I want) the emotional attachment to Jesus that the phrase 'intimate and personal' implies to me.

Intimate and personal,to me, reduces Jesus to human terms. To clarify, no, i'm not one of those who believe that emotions have no role in our faith.

Now, an answer to your acutal question has percolated through my thougts: attribute: Jesus is willing to cover me with an incredible sense of peace when I ask for it. God has shown himself willing to do this even when I have not measured up to the usual standards of faith and belief. Because of this, I 'know' that God is more faithful to me than I am to Him.


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