Friday, September 16, 2005


I was reading Job yesterday, interestingly or not, I never have before. This verse struck me.
Job 3:25 The worst of my fears has come true, what I've dreaded most has happened.
Jesus showed me there is nothing to fear (be scared of, dread), nothing...because He is the source of all my needs.
He showed me I shouldn't fear losing my

  • life, because He is my life.
  • family, because He is my eternal Father, Jesus is my brother and I have countless other brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • physical abilities, because He is my only ability and I can do all things through Christ.
  • mind, because He has given me His, the mind of Christ.
  • financial capabilities, because He has given me everything I need for life and godliness.
  • reputation, because apart from Him I have nothing worthy of a reputation.
  • fellowship/relationship with Him, because there is nothing that can separate me from the life of Christ.
  • wordly possessions, because He's shown me they are merely wood, hay & stubble.
  • significance in this life, because He is my soul source of significance, purpose & meaning.

    What has he showed you?

    Is Jesus trustworthy enough to replace your fears?


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