Friday, July 28, 2006

freedom | life | love | peace | joy

freedom life love peace joy

Believe: To accept as true or real, To credit with veracity,To expect or suppose.

Accepting as true and real, crediting with veracity and expecting and supposing the above does not bring them about.

The above are realities born from a relationship with Christ (who is all the above) as my life...Not from believing that Christ is my life.Not from believing that I am free.Not from believing that I am unconditionally loved and accepted.Not from belieivng that Christ came to give me peace.Not from believing that God wants me to experience joy in the midst of whatever circumstances.

Those attributes above exist for us when Christ produces them through our being in relationship (abiding) with/in Him...not through belief.

You can believe with all your heart and mind that Jesus loves and accepts you...but until you receive that love and acceptance through relationship with Him as your's just a belief...not reality. You might die for what you believe...but it's a faith rather than in your belief.

Believing my wife is this or that does nothing for me...experiencing those things through relationship with my wife is where it's at.

Christ isn't a belief system.


At 2:31 PM, August 17, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a lovely site. I particularly like the closing line of this piece. Christ is not a belief system!
Erie Chapman


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