Saturday, March 18, 2006

My Kaleidoscope

Our individual expressions of life emanate from how we see God and how we think he sees us. My version I wrote down this past Thursday is based on only those things I have experienced personally. If a characteristic or aspect of relationship came to mind from scripture, another’s life or from anything other than my own personal experience, I tossed out as a truth I really don’t ‘know’ yet. If the spirit leads, I’d be interested in your personal thoughts…about my list or your particular way of seeing god and thoughts of how he sees you.
  • Helps/Wants me to express/experience freedom...from myself, religion and misplaced dependencies and just in general.
  • An artist who desires I see the beauty, love, freedom and value of his expressions.
  • A teacher who wants to teach me the language of agape love.
  • A parent who delights in my expression of life through the ups and downs of circumstances...even my mistakes make him smile.
  • Someone who cares more about my internal peace than world peace. (ie He knows the later can only be found in the former)
  • Constant companion - always present...even though I'm not always conscious of his presence.
  • Always encouraging me to see the big look beyond my intellect, to explore and test.
  • A part of me rather than separate from me. His mind, His life. Egg. One as we are one. His life, His mind. Not up there or outside of me...but me.


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