Tuesday, July 25, 2006

the physics of love

We can only give what we have received.

We can only love perfectly in as much as we have received perfect love (i.e. you can't give what you haven't received).

If we haven't received love in an area of our lives (i.e. unconditional acceptance of our attitudes, behavior and looks), we cannot unconditionally accept others in that area.

If we don't abide in God's unconditional love and acceptance of our attitudes, behavior and looks we cannot bear (not produce) the fruit of unconditional love and acceptance.

abiding (receiving) IS doing


At 10:53 PM, July 26, 2006 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...

hmm. i think i disagree. from the human aspect it is possible to learn to love without having received love. it is possible to learn joy without having received joy. it is possible to give in greater measure than we have received.

not saying that it is easy, or likely. rather, saying that we, as humans, are gifted with the potential to achieve beyond the measure we have received from other humans.

as for the God part of the argument, i do agree that we can go a lot further with our gifts if we abide in their source.


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