Wednesday, March 02, 2005

3rd times a charm

He said to him the third time, ’. . . do you love Me?’ —John 21:17

This morning as I was reflecting on Jesus' question to Peter when the Spirit brought this question to mind "Do you accept me?" 1 John 4:8 says "God is love". So the question really is "Do you accept love...for you?" Maybe that's why Jesus asked Peter three times...He was pressing him toward that realization...I know you love you accept me (my love...for you)?

ac·cept: To receive (something offered), especially with gladness or approval: accepted a glass of water; accepted their contract.

The scriptures tell us "we love because He first loved us" 1 John 4:19. So answering Jesus' question "do you love me" requires our recognizing His love for us and accepting/receiving it...which produces love in us...for Him and others. That's what the scripture says we need the power of God for..."to know how wide, high, deep and long is the love of God" Ephesians 3:18 That's different than conjuring up love for Him because we're supposed to love Him or because He's some grand being that we are scared into loving or pretending that we love. Maybe that's what Jesus saw in the heart of born of something other than Jesus' love for him...and He wanted to free Him from just going through the he could experience the joy and freedom of walking in a conscious awareness of "why" he loved.

Jesus: do you love me?
Peter: yes I love're God I'm supposed to love you.

Jesus: do you love me?
Peter: yes lord...cause if I don't you'll be mad, upset or look unfavorably on me.

Jesus: do you love me?
Peter: I love Him? Yes...yes I do...but why? thinking...pondering...oh yeah...that's why...because you love me...and accept me just as I do I love you :)


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