Friday, February 25, 2005

Value is in the eye of the beholder

My dead fleshly existence values whatever serves “me”. What my living spiritual existence values is what serves “others”. I could spend all day beating myself up for focusing on myself (which would be even more focusing on myself)…or…I could rest in the understanding that as I know Christ more, my desire to serve myself will slowly fade away, replaced by a desire to serve others.

If “Christ is our life”, the truth is our true “living” desire is to serve others. Let’s be conscious of our living desire to serve others every moment. God let us walk through the walls (past patterns of thinking) of our dead fleshly existence…let us see the true outcome of serving ourselves…biting into dead, lifeless and rotting fruit of the evil one…lead us to the ripe, fresh and living fruit of serving others. Help us to see our true need is serving others.

A life of serving others…there’s freedom in that. It’s not “what we do” but “why we do” what we do.

Dependence on money…it’s one of satan’s substitutes for God. It provides worldly protection, financial peace, abundant lifestyles, position and authority, pleasure, happiness and recognition. Problems is…it doesn’t quench our thirst for unconditional love & acceptance, purpose & meaning in life.

Visualize a life who’s main purpose for money was serving others…not what that life spent money on…but why that life spent the money. Is there freedom in that?


At 9:47 PM, February 26, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our dependence on anything other than God, leads us to difficulty in our lives to match the one in our hearts. If God is our provision and we are trusting Him, then money is like any other resource. Every resource that God gives us is there to free us and OTHERS to draw closer to His heart.

May we each find the freedom to not just sit back counting our costs, but to truly send our lives.


At 9:45 PM, February 27, 2005 , Blogger Chelsie said...

"our true need is serving others"

Too often I muddy the simplicity of this need with my self.
When Christ's life is effervescent, it serves others and truly satisfies.
There drapes an unnecessary heaviness around me when I'm self absorbed, trying to figure me out or gain satisfaction by anything other than Christ. Lucky for me, He's there to break my selfishness and regain my entire dependence. It ain't always painless, but it surely beats that unmet need throbbing in His child eh?


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