Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Questioning it all

The past six years I have questioned and I'm still questioning everything I've ever concluded about God, who He is and what He wants with me. In doing so I've offended many folks who consider their opinion or the opinion of someone else (preacher, prophet, "saint") above reproach. My desire isn't to offend them but to continue in my desire to walk in the freedom of Jesus rather than the slavery of man's opinion. I believe John 16:13 teaches me to rely on the Spirit to lead me into all truth. A man, preacher, apostle may tell me what the Spirit has revealed to them about scripture or God, but for me to know what it means, I must rely on the Spirit to lead/teach me. Then, through the Spirit, I've heard from God Himself and upon that foundation I am secure. In doing so I've been ridiculed as someone who's "out there" or "on a perilous path"...If I've learned anything in the past few years I've learned that my worth, my sense of self, my identity can not come from any person, organization, group of friends or family...but solely from my place as a child of Him.

Anytime I speak, write, do anything on my own...when the ridicule or praise comes it is me who receives it. It's become a good sign for me to see when I'm acting in the flesh...for if I was doing/saying what I heard from the Father...the ridicule/praise would flow through me to Him.

A favorite saying for me when someone does something/says something that offends me is "I could do/say that"'s the truth...and it sure knocks the "high and mightyness" right out from under me.


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