Tuesday, February 13, 2007

a splinter in my mind x

What can you or I do for God?


What does an all-powerful, all-knowing, eternal being need or want that you or I could do for him? Why would he need or want in the first place?

So maybe there's nothing that you or I can do for God...where does that leave things?

The following is not an answer to the above question...or maybe it is.

John 15:5 says "he who abides (remains) in me and I in him will bear (not produce) much fruit"

What does it mean to abide (remain) in God?

John 6:29 says "Jesus answered, 'The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent'"

What does 'believing' look like...how does it play out for you?

Maybe the question is "what does God want to do for us" or maybe even..."what has God done for us?" that we need to realize?


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