Thursday, February 08, 2007

a splinter in my mind vii

Where do you connect with God in your relationship with Him? Where is God when you think of him, talk to him? When he's communicating to you, where does his communication come from?

A. The sky (heaven, clouds, outer space)...a 'sky God' of sorts (i.e. like the folks in babylonia demonstrated by building a tower to reach 'up' to him or like people do in church services reaching 'up' with their hands).


B. Within you (i.e. Jesus comes to live in your heart or the mystery of the gospel is Christ (God) in you, the hope of glory - Col 1:27 & 3:4)?


C. Everywhere and in everything?


D. None of the above (your thoughts)


At 9:30 PM, February 15, 2007 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...

sometimes, God is an out-there kind of thing. me. here. God. there.

sometimes God is an internal whispering kind of thing. a movement from inside maybe like the early stirrings of an unborn baby. (ha, guess you won't be able to relate to that one).

sometimes God is more of a movement in the brain, in the head. sometimes in the heart, the chest.

sometimes God is the breeze that sways a tree in leaf or starkly bare, or the thousands of grains that make up a boulder.

when i used to read the bible, i got this thing going where everytime i'd read it i'd feel great waves of revelation and insight. it was so exciting that sometimes i could not wait to open it up and read it.

them's my thoughts. i think that God will show up when and where and how He pleases.

more and more i think that God resides within me, without me, through me, within you, without you, through you.

my challenge is to permit this without reservation.

At 9:32 PM, February 15, 2007 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...

p.s. i like what i wrote so much that i'm going to post it on my blog. which is why i like visiting your blog. helps me think. thanks


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