Thursday, October 05, 2006

Cult of the child

People used to get married in their teens and became grandparents at forty.

So what's taking us so long to grow up? Well, there is so much more to absorb-that's just a brute fact, as noted-but there are also so many different ways to be, so many different lifestyles, so many different versions of the world. Haunted by the possibility of buyer's remorse, we dawdle on the brink, trying this, trying that.




At 8:17 PM, October 07, 2006 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...

buyer's remorse, sure, but brought on by the recognition that there are 1000 possibilites, some of them mutually exclusive. there are so many "what ifs" in our world.

i hear my 20-somethings offspring struggle with this. they see the world in so many more and different facets than my age group did.

At 8:37 AM, November 02, 2006 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...

you're beginning to make me look like a prolific blogger. hope all is well.


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