Friday, February 02, 2007

a splinter in my mind ii

If God is love and the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfullness and self-control...then why would an all powerful God create a system in which evil exists?

If it was to give us free will, I would ask couldn't an 'allpowerful' god create a system in which we have free will but without evil?

If it was to give us a reference point for good (i.e. to know good wemust know evil), I would ask couldn't an all powerful God create asystem in which we could know good without evil?

Why would we want to know a God who created the system in which evil exists?

Are there alternatives?


At 10:02 PM, February 03, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


How do we know that it wouldn't be more evil to not have evil?

The big trip up for me goes back to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The same tree gave us both? What is the deal with that?
Why place the tree there at all if Adam and Eve weren't meant to have it? Some perpetual sick test for us to prove ourselves unworthy?
I think that we were meant to have the fruit of the tree but only with God's guiadance. The maturity of humanity was to have the knowledge but only God can really teach us to decern good from evil.


At 6:30 AM, February 06, 2007 , Blogger Rick said...

What if evil is the abscence of God just as darkness is the abscence of light?

At 12:20 PM, July 09, 2012 , Blogger Rick said...

Maybe ALL judgement (good/evil & others) is made with limited perspective and information.


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