Saturday, February 03, 2007

a splinter in my mind iv

Is the key to knowing God our mind? Does the person with the greatest knowledge of and ability to understand scripture in the original languages, who is the most versed in the cultural context of the biblical times, knowing and understanding the entire history of the church, who has the greatest cerebral processing that person the one who could know God better than anyone else if he/she wanted to?

What is the key to knowing God?

Can a child or someone mentally retarded, or physically handicapped in one or more ways know God just as well as the most advanced adult? If so, how?


At 10:16 PM, February 03, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knowledge, information, understanding, experience do any of these really cover knowing and being known.

God asked me a question once years ago. Are you afraid to love me with anything other than your mind?

My answer - you bet your A**! Don't ask me questions God, I am supposed to ask you questions not the other way around.

That one question has had more impact on my spirit and life than almost anything else these last 10 years.

Now what was the greatest commandment again?


At 9:59 PM, February 07, 2007 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...

if the key to knowing God is in our mind we are in deep doo-doo as a Christian institution.

oh. wait. what did i just say?


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