Saturday, February 10, 2007

a splinter in my mind ix

If all this world's stuff & activity doesn't exist in heaven, what will exist there and what will we do there?

Most all agree the abscence of suffering, death & evil in heaven is something they're looking forward to experiencing, but what about the abscence of TV, internet, cell phones, Xbox, sports, books, hobbies, yard work, coffee shops, restaurants, clothes, you know - all the stuff we experience with the body's five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell)?

What will we do for e-t-e-r-n-i-t-y?

John 17:3 says "and this is eternal life knowing the one and only true God..."

We'll spend the rest of eternity continuing our getting to know God
How you feel about that reality depends on how you view God. I mean, you don't look forward to spending a lot of time with folks with whom you share very little common interest, who are seemingly boring, uncomfortable to be around, make the entire relationship about themselves, who judge you and punish you even though they say they love you...most people look for ways to avoid those relationships.

In many instances folks choose heaven because it's better than's supposed to be great but the prospect of pearly gates, gold roads, lavish homes, 24/7 praise and worship while casting crowns at the feet of God seems like it would get old quick.

On the flip side, what if God is the most intriguing, thoughtful, kind, interesting, caring, loving, likable, fascinating, joyful, respectful, gentle, enthusiastic, peaceful and self-controlled friend who likes you and wants to know you and take you on guided tours (only when you want a guide) of all that exist?

What if the other people in heaven are the same way, and part of the process of knowing God is knowing them from all of history and from all parts of the our world and whatever other worlds that exist or have existed.

What if God and his kingdom (heaven) are so vast and his children so many, that moving and relating at 'god speed' (zillions of times faster than light speed...or warp speed for you trekies) requires eternity to discover, understand and know.

What if a single moment of knowing God in the kingdom of heaven is exponentially (lots) better than the totality of what we've enjoyed of this life?

What did Jesus mean when he said the kingdom of God is within you? How does that make sense?


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