Tuesday, March 28, 2006

That inner knowing

I long to become one with Jesus,
One as He and the Father are one.
To walk in the understanding of
Christ as my life.

Dwelling in the conscious awareness
of His presence
not just dwelling but
depending on that presence as life

Aware of the reality
I already have
not hoping for one
somehow closer to another's

Freedom is all around me
in my hand it rest
not just a Freedom from but
a Freedom of purpose

His life is within me
It is me
The indwelling presence
of the almighty God

I am not God
but He is me
He is my life

Joined by the Spirit teacher,
comforter and guide
The mind of Christ
is not outside of mine
but mine

The seed of the Father
has given birth
to a new creation

God open the eyes
of my heart to see
the new creation I'm
meant to be.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


The following excerpts from Father Paul's Homilies explores the many subtleties of this Greek word.

Metanoia, a Greek word meaning a change of mind. A radical revision and transformation of our whole mental process. That change of mind is something whereby God takes center place in our consciousness, in our awareness, and in our minds.

Metanoia means a new mind. About what? About who we are. ...If tonight you're hearing with your heart, it's time for metanoia. It's time for a new mind about yourself and about life.

Metanoia is the idea of the need for conversion. And this is then recognizing that we don't know, truthfully don't know, God and truthfully don't feel ourselves as God intends us to.

We really need metanoia, which is allowing the grace of God to enter into our lives and teach us how to see ourselves and how to come to the true self.

When the authors wrote in Greek about what Jesus really said, they all agree that he preached metanoia. ...one idea is conversion or transformation. Change of heart and, literally, change of mind. "The kingdom of God is at hand," he says, meaning it's at arm's length. But in order for you to grasp it, you have to be able to undergo something like this: a conversion and transformation and change of heart and mind

Metanoia is a new-minded way of looking at life.

And, in the broader sense, contrition involves a change of mind. And that is really what is meant by the Greek word, "metanoia," whereby we start thinking anew about everything. So to bring our thoughts into a godly, godlike form, that's part of contrition; that's part of metanoia. So I need to really find out what God really is and who God is and what God wants for me.

He preached the need for conversion. Now conversion in Greek is "metanioa." And what is "metanoia"? Unfortunately, in English there's not one word that translates it very well. We could say repentance, but that doesn't catch the meaning of "metanoia." "Metanoia" literally means "beyond the mind." So it's an idea of stretching or pushing beyond the boundaries with which we normally think and feel. Now when we push beyond the boundaries what we are doing is we are allowing God really to take an active role in our formation.

Repentance, metanoia in Greek, really refers to a complete change in perspective, a change in goal, a change in life itself, really!

It means new mindedness, new change of mind and change of heart in the Hebrew sense of heart---how you think. And that means letting go of rigidities because God has to teach us all new about God. And what we have to learn basically is how trustworthy God is, and how in every single situation, no matter what it is, no matter how painful, God is to be trusted. God is always present. So God is always inviting us into more life, and so to be questioning our own ways and our own habits is a good thing--and letting go of rigidity.

Thus his entire mission was begun by announcing the need for metanoia, sometimes translated "repentance." But repentance does not mean simply regretting some action or some word. Repentance means completely turning around one's life and one's being.

A change, a profound change, of mind and even character. In the Bible, in the New Testament, this change is called "metanoia," often translated repentance. But it's not a backward-looking glance of regret; it's a forward-looking vision of hope.

Metanoia is a new openness to what is truly objective, beyond ourselves, our view of life, how we put the data together.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The red button of grace

Ok...I grew up in the legalistic wrappings of IC's and youth groups stressing christianity as a behavior modification program (ie behave this way or...you're out of fellowship, god turns his back, your going to hell, not accepted here etc). The don't do this or do that never did work for me. I found myself in Paul's condition "that which I don't wanna do, I do. that which I do want to do, I don't do".

Since receiving God's grace I've found myself in a new operating system. It seems the desires of this world are slowly fading away without my trying. The outcome seems a by-product of my relationship with Jesus...kinda a...you become (act and think) like those your hang around.

I've not found, haven't ever looked really, for a scriptural explanation for this happening in my life but yesterday while running home and listening to a Bob George sermon I heard, what seems to me, a explanation.

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,

How does this work for you?

Saturday, March 18, 2006

My Kaleidoscope

Our individual expressions of life emanate from how we see God and how we think he sees us. My version I wrote down this past Thursday is based on only those things I have experienced personally. If a characteristic or aspect of relationship came to mind from scripture, another’s life or from anything other than my own personal experience, I tossed out as a truth I really don’t ‘know’ yet. If the spirit leads, I’d be interested in your personal thoughts…about my list or your particular way of seeing god and thoughts of how he sees you.
  • Helps/Wants me to express/experience freedom...from myself, religion and misplaced dependencies and just in general.
  • An artist who desires I see the beauty, love, freedom and value of his expressions.
  • A teacher who wants to teach me the language of agape love.
  • A parent who delights in my expression of life through the ups and downs of circumstances...even my mistakes make him smile.
  • Someone who cares more about my internal peace than world peace. (ie He knows the later can only be found in the former)
  • Constant companion - always present...even though I'm not always conscious of his presence.
  • Always encouraging me to see the big picture...to look beyond my intellect, to explore and test.
  • A part of me rather than separate from me. His mind, His life. Egg. One as we are one. His life, His mind. Not up there or outside of me...but me.