Tuesday, April 22, 2008

who am I?

Society would say I am mom & dad's son, my wife's husband, my kids father, a coworker, neighbor, friend, citizen of the U.S.A., human on planet earth.

Religion would say I am freewill, a descendant of Adam and a child of God, a sinner or saint, a creation of God, a servant or slave, a co-heir with Christ, a branch of the vine, the light of the world.

Spirituality would say I am an expression of all (i.e. God)...perfect love, peace that passes understanding, perfect freedom and Life.


Who do I say I am?

Am I the sum of my actions and attitudes?
Am I defined by my occupation, sport, talent or gift?
Am I the combination of my physical and mental capabilities...a product of DNA?

Who or What defines you? How can you know without it coming from 'outside of ' or 'apart' from you?

Is it possible to define yourself?...isn't that what we do?...we pick and choose different pieces and parts from the above and knit them together like a quilt?

Is there an alternative?


At 3:34 PM, April 27, 2008 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...

Who or What defines you? How can you know without it coming from 'outside of ' or 'apart' from you?

i like the idea of considering ourselves from within, without the "apart."

Christianity focuses on the "apart." How would western Christianity look if it focused on the unity made possible by the Jesus figure instead of focusing on the sin-nature, apart-ness, separation of humanity from God, from itself?


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