Monday, February 25, 2008

Recognition and Acceptance

A good visual for me is seeing myself as recognized and accepted as part of God...the branch not the tree, a hand, leg, shoulder, etc. Seeing the truth of that I realized I wrapped my worth up in being a big branch, leg, hand rather than a small leaf or hair. The I realized I'm not branch or feet or hands but one 'cell' of the tree/body which took away any pride I was tapping into see myself as a big branch or hand while other folks were parts of lessor importance. Somehow seeing myself as one cell among many helped diminish my grading myself as a better body part. Others might be doing the opposite...seeing themselves as lowly toe nails or something. Then i realized the mental image of a body I was using was humanistic or physical. I changed my image of 'the body' or 'the whole' from a human physical body to the totality of love, freedom, peace, life, etc. Accepting and recognizing myself and others as part of that whole or all makes me see all on the same 'level' where I can rest in being, rather than trying.

This is really raw at present


At 7:09 AM, February 27, 2008 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...

from the perspective of meditation, the imagery of being one anonymous part of a whole is very restful. not sure why. might be because i now see that whole as being God (Life | Love | Freedom ).

how do you make the vertical bar symbol?

At 7:48 AM, February 27, 2008 , Blogger Rick said...

Have you ever found yourself wondering why we would even call Life | Love | Freedom God?...seems the term 'God' brings along much baggage. And the | is 'shift + \' The '\' is right above the enter key on my keyboard.

At 4:50 PM, February 27, 2008 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...


the term "God," like "church" has been co-opted by those for whom the concept has brought avenues of human power. which i do not intend to be any where near the cynical, bitter thought it might sound like.

At 5:08 PM, February 27, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the cell metaphor is helpful in a number of ways - one cell can never survive on it's own. it draws it's strength from being a part of a living organism and through the constant interactions with other cells.
there are also specific types of cells and no two are the same - they have specific functions and are built to perform those specific functions.
They also are dynamic! Cells are always changing, dividing, growing, and importing and exporting things - a constant death and rebirth process. They might be anonymous, but their life processes are rich, complex and intricate...

At 11:38 AM, February 28, 2008 , Blogger Rick said...

Hey April,

Thanks for expanding the cell metaphor! bitterness taken...and yes man will use everything and anything to obtain the recognition, acceptance and power he already has but doesn't realize. When I catch myself doing that, I get that knowing smile and usually say something under my breath like "you son-of-a-b*tch"


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