Monday, November 12, 2007

Choosing to change your mind

The choice is whether you determine your state of being or you allow life situations and circumstances to determine your state of being.

For example...

A. What are you looking for in life?

B. Freedom, acceptance, peace, contentment, security, well-being, joy
and love. (Folks might say money, fame, easy life, etc but what those
things boil down to are the former)

A. What's keeping you from experience all those things?

B. My circumstances and life situations.

A. So your circumstances control whether or not you experience
freedom, peace, contentment, etc?

B. Yes, for example, when I walk into a room and nobody gives me the
time of day I feel insecure.

A. Can you decide if "people giving you the time of day" determines
your feeling/being secure?

B. What do you mean?

A. Can you decide not to allow how other people treat you to affect
your being/feeling secure?

B. How could I do that? I care about how other people treat me.

A. Can you care about how others treat you but not depend on it for
being/feeling secure?

B. Let's see. I want folks to like me but I choose not to depend on
their liking me to be/feel secure. Hmmm. I guess it is possible.

A. Then being secure is your choice right?

B. Yeah. I can choose to value something without depending on it. I
just have to remind myself I can be/feel secure without it.

A. Is there a circumstance where you couldn't choose to be/feel secure?

B. Yeah, I'm pretty insecure about dying and what does/doesn't happen
after that.

A. Why not decide life after death is far better than this present
life? If you decided that about death, could you choose to be/feel
secure about it?

B. Yes, but that's a big gamble isn't it? I mean, what if you're wrong?

A. If your decision brings about true freedom, peace, contentment,
well-being and joy, how could it be wrong?

B. I guess if it brings about True freedom, well being, contentment,
peace and joy it couldn't be wrong. Hmph...I can choose to live in
those realities and when I choose them I'm living in the kingdom of
god because that is the 'end game' God wants for live the
abundant life.

A. Yep, that's it. You can choose to live in those realities despite your
circumstances. You can choose to determine your state of being rather than
allow your circumstances, life situation or anything else determine your state of being.


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