Wednesday, March 12, 2008


If God is all, all is a manifestation or expression of God. So...the below aren't individually the totality of God but they are cells of the body of God, expressions of the totality of

I eat God.
I breath God.
I poop God.
Snot is God.
Eye poop is God.
Light is God.
Darkness is God.
Spiders are God.
Rhinoceros' are God.
The bug on the blade of grass growing out the rock outcropping high in the Himalaya's is God.
Fungus is God.
Lantern fish are God.
Sharks are God.
Polar bears are God.
Bats are God.
Fire is God.
Cold is God.
Volcano's are God.
Earthquakes are God.
All that is natural is God...that begs the question...what of the unnatural?

Are pencils (any creation of mankind) manifestations of God or are they manifestations of the absence of God? Do mankind's creations seek to fill mankind's perceived lack?

What would our existence be like if none of mankind's creations existed?

What of evil? Is it a manifestation of God or is it a manifestation of mankind? Is it a manifestation of God or the absence of God?


At 12:22 PM, March 13, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a distinction between something being "of God" and actually BEING God? I think I believe the "of God" piece but actually God - the milk I ate in my cereal this morning? not sure about that... Interesting thoughts.

Great to hang with all of you as well. Thanks so much for the invite. I had a blast! I'll try to make every effort to join you again next week. Blessings! Enjoy this awesome day!

At 6:04 AM, March 17, 2008 , Blogger Rick said...

How is 'of God' different from 'God'?

Where does the separation begin/end?

At 7:57 AM, March 23, 2008 , Blogger Don't I Know You? said...

your post reminds me of the Gospel of Thomas line, "Split a stick and I am there." I think I've got the source correct.

Anyway, if I understand correctly, Thomas' gospel is generally denounced by mainstream Christianity.

Great, oh great. I just googled "gnostic" and discover that it is a scary-accurate depiction of where our faith walk has taken us...which is exactly where the old church used to threaten we'd end up.

So, uh, you're headed in that direction too. How do you square what I interpret as a fairly traditional Christian faith with the kinds of thinking you do?

(no need to respond to that very personal question)


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