Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What drives or initiates peoples attitudes and actions?

In this video Bill Strickland describes the motivating factor behind the building of the Bidwell Training Center in the high crime and economically depressed area of Pittsburg..."You have to change the way people see themselves before they will change their behavior" (minute 18 of the video) and "It's all in the way you think about people that often determines their behavior" (minute 11ish).

How Bill changed the way people see themselves with the Bidwell Training Center is ONE WAY it happens. It also happens in our everyday seemingly insignificant attitudes and actions in the check out line, interstate, office, family, marriage, neighborhood, etc. I'm not specifically advocating more Bidwell Training Centers, I don't think you 'need' a building or program to demonstrate your seeing other people as perfect Love, Freedom & Peace. When we see ourselves as Love, Peace & Freedom (of most valuable worth), we'll begin to see other people that same way. Our seeing others that way wakes them up to the Truth about themselves (i.e. that they are Love, Peace & Freedom) and the process continues as they wake others up, and on and on. The Bidwell Training Center is but 'one' expression of that reality.

If the embedded video doesn't work click the title link.


At 8:34 PM, April 15, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

dang, i want to think about and comment on your posts, but probably won't have time for another few weeks.

i love the concept of helping people see themselves in new ways—transformational. good stuff going to the core of change.



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