Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Pursuit of a better life

Is that our purpose, to make ourselve more comfortable in this temporary place? So much of our time and energy goes toward that end. Someone on the outside looking in would think it is our all encompassing goal in which we are never satisfied. Once a certain lifestyle is achieved the bar is moved higher and the pace continues. Is lifestyle the answer to our need for unconditional love and acceptance, purpose and meaning? Are we just interested in providing for our family...and what does that really mean? What do we really need other than Jesus and our daily bread?

Click here or on the link bar above and browse through photos of one persons journey through Cuba...a small island just off the coast of Florida.

and ask yourself...What do I need?

My good buddy Gary Vacca taught me this song years ago. It's simple...sing it with me.

Your all I need
Your all I need
All that I need


At 5:28 AM, March 10, 2005 , Blogger Rick said...

I hear a song being written...

At 11:04 PM, March 11, 2005 , Blogger Chelsie said...

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At 11:09 PM, March 11, 2005 , Blogger Chelsie said...

“The only true slavery is ignorance, for liberty is the child of intelligence.”
- Aldous Huxley

this is one of a friend of mine's favorite quotes. i find almost the opposity true. intelligence (though heavily guised with liberty) is muddying the message of simplicity...for him and anyone else who becomes slave to intelligence. hm...

At 7:40 AM, March 12, 2005 , Blogger Rick said...

"a slave to intelligence" hmm...

God sends the intellectual Paul to the stupid gentiles and he sends the fisherman Peter (who spent more time with his shoe in his mouth than on his foot) to the intellectual Jews. Why?


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