Tuesday, March 15, 2005

God hates sin...but why?

We've all heard the saying, "God hates the sin, not the sinner" but why does He hate sin? Sin hurts people...and God loves people and doesn't want them to get hurt...so...He hates the sin that hurts them. He desires each one of us experience the ALL He's already given us; a relationship with Him, joy unspeakable, peace that passes understanding, a burden that's light and His incredible freedom and life. Sin distracts us from all that; that's why God hates it.

God doesn't hate you...even when you sin...

God's not throwing a tantrum like we do sometimes when our wife, children or friends doesn't do it our way. We get mad because we didn't get our way, God gets mad because disobedience hurts us. It's the motivation (i.e. His love, acceptance and desire for us to experience the abundant life) and the object of His anger (i.e. sin) that draws us to Him rather than drive us away.

Thank goodness Jesus continues to accept/love me and you in the midst of our sin. Makes me love Jesus all the more...and desire to walk in the freedom (read obedience) He's provided for me.


At 4:00 PM, March 15, 2005 , Blogger Divorced Dad said...

What an awesome thought that even in God's hatred of sin he is demonstarting love for me and either way I am secure in his favor! Your thoughts here encourage me toward an even greater freedom to love all people even though I expect to upset some Christians by doing this.

At 5:29 PM, March 16, 2005 , Blogger Jewels said...

howdy Rick!

what a reminder. you truely remind us that God is God and we are not! so many times we put our human emotions on Him and it just isn't the case!

good to see you friend! :)


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