Saturday, March 12, 2005

Every day

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:46,47 NIV)

"day after day" (Amplified)
"each day" (New Living)
"daily" (King James)
"day by day" (American Standard)

Since we've enter into the "sabbath rest" believers lives are no longer built around six days of work and one day of rest as were those living under the old covenant. In Christ we rest from the works of the law and our new work is believing in Him (John 6:29 i.e. believing that He has fullfilled the old covenant "works based love/acceptance"). It's easy to get caught up in the weekly meeting schedules that dominate Christiandom and miss the blessing of walking through life with others every day. Is it a necessary part of your relationship with Jesus? I don't think so, Christ is sufficient...but...the outcome of the every day gatherings of those believers in Acts is certainly of note.

When I meet with other believers in coffee shops, at the office, at home or out on the road, God has orchestrated opportunities to be conscious of His working in and through those present to meet needs and share His love with the lost and needy.

Do you desire to meet and/or share with other believers daily? Are you resting from the need to be at some particular place at some particular time to experience God's presence? It's God's responsibility to place that desire and rest within you.


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