Thursday, March 10, 2005

Dying or Doing...what's harder?

How does Gal 2:20 play out in everday living? What does it mean that Christ is our life (Col 3:4)? Just what does a branch "do" (John 15:5)? Did Jesus really do nothing unless the Father told Him (John 8:28)? Did He say only what the Father told Him to say...and how to say it (John 12:50)? If we're to be as one as He and the Father were one, how does that play out in our daily walk (John 14:10)? If God doesn't tell you personally to do/say it, should you? If He's told someone else to do/say it but hasn't told you personally/specifically, should you assume it applies to all believers? Is God 'a big enough boy' (as they say in the country) to speak to you specifically/personally? Does He want to speak to you specifically/personally? Is it some huge burden for God to take the time and energy to speak/lead you intimately/specifically?

Is our dying to doing what God is after?

Ever had youngster on your lap in the drivers seat "helping" you drive with all four hands on the wheel struggling for control? I think God's opted for the driving training cars...the ones with two steering wheels. He's more than happy traveling along with you at the wheel, bouncing into trees, going off the road and running around in circles. He's sitting there happy to be in the car with you, smiling, loving your company and hoping for the day/moment when you'll get tired of driving...and let Him take the wheel. Jesus takes us to places we'd never find, through terrain that seems impassible, through storms and conditions we would never have braved...and all we "do" is go along for the ride.

Are we satisfied with being a passenger? Are we the branch that somehow wants to "produce" fruit rather than "bear" fruit? Where is our self-worth when we're "just" a medium (branch) through which God (vine) lives (sap), breaths (leaves) and works (fruit)? It sure isn't in what we "do" is it? Maybe what we're called to "do" is die to "doing".

Do you find joy, the abundant life, peace that passes understanding in conscious awareness of the life of the vine flowing through you and creating life...or are you to busy trying to do it yourself?


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