Wednesday, February 27, 2008

There are people (cells of the body of Life | Love | Freedom - God) living as who they are.

There are people (cells of the body of Life | Love | Freedom - God) not living as who they are.

The reward for living as who you are is enjoying Love | Life | Freedom - God, that is how God (i.e. Life | Love | Freedom) recognizes those living as they are.

Some folks living as who they are (cells of the body of Life | Love | Freedom - God) don't know they living as expressions of God, they just know it feels good to live that way.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Recognition and Acceptance

A good visual for me is seeing myself as recognized and accepted as part of God...the branch not the tree, a hand, leg, shoulder, etc. Seeing the truth of that I realized I wrapped my worth up in being a big branch, leg, hand rather than a small leaf or hair. The I realized I'm not branch or feet or hands but one 'cell' of the tree/body which took away any pride I was tapping into see myself as a big branch or hand while other folks were parts of lessor importance. Somehow seeing myself as one cell among many helped diminish my grading myself as a better body part. Others might be doing the opposite...seeing themselves as lowly toe nails or something. Then i realized the mental image of a body I was using was humanistic or physical. I changed my image of 'the body' or 'the whole' from a human physical body to the totality of love, freedom, peace, life, etc. Accepting and recognizing myself and others as part of that whole or all makes me see all on the same 'level' where I can rest in being, rather than trying.

This is really raw at present

Monday, February 18, 2008

The affects of seeing Truth vs Error

The idea every person is branch of the same vine brings deep feelings of peace, satisfaction and well-being. Think about the folks you encounter physically and mentally (thoughts) the past 24 hours as branch (expressions) of the same vine (God) does that affect you?